Welcome and About Us
Welcome to 62 Mall Management, our family of units await you, whether you seek office space or retail space, we are happy to help.
Our units have a unique family feel. Building strong foundations are at the heart of 62 Mall Management, it has made our quaint section very welcoming and warm. Offering a family feel with professionalism for a unique experience.
62 Mall Management wanted to open a thriving space that was fair and friendly for all, they worked hard to provide good condition units for their tenants. Because of this all tenants within 62 Mall Management have become like one big family, clients have found this brings a wonderful atmosphere to the space and makes them return time and time again.
Based in the North wing of Stratford shopping centre, our tenants offer a range of goods and services, it is quickly becoming a hub. You can feel the warmth as you enter, offering a unique experience. Keep your eyes peeled for our special events and promotions. Visit the Stratford shopping centre website for other events and things to do on your visit to us.